I was in a daze. Both Josh and his little brother were in the room and I didn't know what to do. It was like I was in the twilight zone. During the hour car ride I still some how didn't believe it. Josh never got sick he is a little soldier! He is the oldest of 6 kids. When the house got sick with the stomach virus my Joshie was the only one that didn't get sick. They have to be wrong. The following days were crazy to say the least.No one could figure out what cancer he had. He was 13 so that is what they were looking for, childhood cancers. Everyday they would come in and tell me different cancers. ALL,AML,and Lymphoma. Then on Dec.8 more docs than I had ever seen in my life entered that small little room on the 4th floor. That room was so smushed with people you could hardly move. They said that Josh had stage 3 Multiple Myeloma. That it was everywhere,even his skull.
When they all left I broke down. I know I shouldn't have in front of Josh but I couldn't. I was 5 months pregnant and already overly emotional. My Joshie just held me tight and said, "it's okay mommy I'm gonna be alright," My hero.
The months to follow were rough,11 rounds of chemo(9 chemos),and two BMT's later (one allo, one auto stem cell transplant) my baby is cancer free!!! Almost 2 years 10/19/2014!!! Words cannot describe how blessed I am to be his momma! He wears a bracelet everyday never takes it off it says NEGU (never EVER give up) and he has done just that, and I won't either! F you cancer!
Young people are affected by Cancer too, but it is rare for someone as young as Josh to be diagnosed with Myeloma. Research shows that less than 1% of cases are diagnosed younger than 35. We will never understand why this happens to those in that 1% bracket let alone a child. However, just remember that God will always be there with you through the good and bad. Keep your eye on him, obey him, let him direct your path, and ALWAYS believe in him. Continue to move forward Josh, keep fighting and know that your story will help someone out here!